The Blissful Ride

Long is that road down the hill,
That would give my spine a chill.
Lush green meadows on a side,
There is no place you can hide.
Shading trees are all the way,
Marvelous or what you could say.
On other side is a lake,
On that bank you’d love a break.
On the banks are trees so high,
Can’t leave that place without a sigh.
Up and down you ride so far,
For this feeling, there is no par.
Throttling my bike down the hill,
Piercing through mist is a thrill.
Music is that sound indeed,
Roaring of Royal Enfield.
Further you see rocky hills,
On the foreground are wind mills.
Sometimes I would take a break,
And dip my naked legs in lake.
That chill would give my soul a boost,
An awesome feeling I love the most.
Nature is that’s all around,
You’ll feel that magic all around.
From the sun, it goes to moon,
All the way, I’d love to croon.
I lose here myself, with a sigh,
Glancing at stars far so high.
All the way it ticks my brain,

Oh ALLAH, You’ve created this not in vain.

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